
1418 N. Dearing Ave
Fresno CA 93703
(so. of McKinley & no. of Floradora)

373 E. Shaw Ave., Ste. 237
Fresno, CA 93710


Pastor Sam Domínguez
Call or Text
(559) 351-2990


As a non-denominational church, we follow all true Bible doctrines.

Founded on Feb. 3, 2023

Where Traditional Worship Thrives

The “Protestant” Bible is a complex collection of ancient texts that were discovered and which have been translated and interpreted in various ways over the centuries. However, understanding the Bible can be a challenging task that requires constant, focused study not just sporadic, sampled, superficial readings. Here are some general tips for interpreting the Bible:

Study the Historical and Cultural Context: To understand the Bible, it’s important to have some background knowledge about the historical and cultural context in which the various books of the Bible were written. This includes the political, social, and religious beliefs and practices of the time.

Read the Text Carefully: When reading the Bible, pay close attention to the words used, the context in which they are used, and the literary style of the text. Look for patterns and themes that run throughout the text.

Different Interpretations: There are different interpretations of the Bible, of which many are unfaithful to the “original”text because the so-called “interpreters” have inserted personal/group agendas into their work. The most faithful English translations are the King James and the New King James versions.

Use Reliable Resources: There are many resources available to help interpret the Bible, including commentaries, study Bibles, and online resources. Make sure to use reliable sources that are based on sound scholarship.

Seek Guidance: Finally, it’s important to seek guidance from others when interpreting the Bible. This may include consulting with a religious leader, participating in a Bible study group, or discussing your ideas with other scholars.

Remember that gleaning the deep teachings of God’s Word is a lifelong process that requires careful study, reflection, and engagement with others. By following these guidelines, you can deepen your understanding of how to walk along the “Narrow Way” victoriously.