
1418 N. Dearing Ave
Fresno CA 93703
(so. of McKinley & no. of Floradora)

373 E. Shaw Ave., Ste. 237
Fresno, CA 93710


Pastor Sam Domínguez
Call or Text
(559) 351-2990


As a non-denominational church, we follow all true Bible doctrines.

Founded on Feb. 3, 2023

Where Traditional Worship Thrives

 The Crucified, Repentant Thief – an Easter Cantata

written by Samuel Fernández Domínguez

 (performed by Pastor Sam and Sister Diane Dominguez at Seniors for Christ church on 04/09/23)


Narrator:          If you wish to follow along with today’s Scripture readings, open your Bible to Luke 23:32.

            Jesus, the Son of God, left His heavenly home with all its glory and riches to carryout His assigned and agreed-to mission of providing lost, hell-bound, human souls of sinners the only way of salvation.

            Solo by Pastor Sam: “Redeeming Love


Narrator:          (vs. 32,33,39   ‘There were also two others, criminals, led with Him to be put to death. And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.”’

            Jesus didn’t need to be saved. He was the one who would be doing the saving!

            The long-awaited, earthly appearance of Jesus as the promised Christ, the Jewish Messiah, would begin in a lowly, earthly, and poor manger.

            Then, 33 years later, He would finish His mission of paying the only price that His Father in heaven would accept for the forgiveness of sins as the sacrificial Lamb of God.

            Solo by Sister Diane: “He Grew the Tree (that became the Old Rugged Cross)”

Narrator:          The undefiled, pure blood of Jesus sufficiently flowed from His tortured body so that all sinners who thirst and hunger for God’s forgiveness and for a righteous relationship with God would be saved from hell; and, that included the crucified, repentant thief hanging on his own cross at the side of Jesus.

            (The congregation please recites John 3:16 with the Narrator) “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son so that whosoever believeth on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.”

            Solo by Pastor Sam: “There Is a River (that frees the soul from sin)”

Narrator:          This world, with all that Satan;  his dastardly flock of demons; and, human sinners have to offer will never satisfy the human heart, the human soul. Both thieves on their crosses were clear proof of that fact.

            Solo by Pastor Sam: “If That Isn’t Love

Narrator:          Blessedly, the one, crucified, soon-to-repent thief, finally came to a place in his life, while also hanging on a cross at Calvary, where he found himself in a state and a condition, just hours from the end of his life on earth, as just another spiritually-empty soul. He was rightfully suffering from the bitter cup of his own sins.

            However, there, of all places on earth and in time, he met Jesus and had a change of heart! Yes, Jesus, who was suffering from the bitter cup of the world’s sins.

            (vs. 40-42) But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, ‘“Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”’

            Solo by Sister Diane: “Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul

Narrator:          What gratitude, peace, love and joy must have filled the crucified, repentant thief’s heart. How less important had his personal cross experience become!

            Solo by Sister Diane: “O Glorious Love


Narrator:          Jesus found the crucified, repentant thief before Him to be a sincere and true convert and mercifully changed the formerly unrepentant-sinner thief into a freshly-saved saint whose eternal future would now rest peacefully in the Redeemer’s hands.             (v. 43) ‘And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”‘   

            Solo by Pastor Sam: “Why Do I Love You?” © by Samuel F. Dominguez

Narrator:          The crucified, repentant thief had come to believe in Jesus, even as he accepted the unavoidable, earthly consequences of his sinful lifestyle. He repented of his sins; by faith accepted Jesus as his personal Savior; and, pleaded for much needed forgiveness and mercy. And, now, besides feeling the horrors of his own crucifixion experience, he acquired a new outlook on life, eternal life as he was soon to die at the side of … Jesus, the Hope of Glory!

            Duet by Pastor Sam and Sister Diane: “I Feel Jesus (in this Place)” most lyrics by Samuel F. Dominguez

Narrator:          Would the congregation now please twice sing with us the chorus of the hymn “At the Cross

                        (Pastor Sam plays both the accordion & the trumpet)

Narrator:          Soon thereafter, Jesus gave up His spirit to the care of His Father in Heaven … and died.

            (vs. 45-46) ‘Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two. And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, ‘into Your hands I commit My spirit.’” Having said this, He breathed His last.

            The crucified thief, now a crucified, repentant sinner, a new child and saint of God Almighty, had risen beyond his past lifestyle and his current circumstances to a level of righteousness with His Creator through Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

            The hatred …, the arrogance …, the thievery …, and the despair that once had filled and ruled his wayward soul had been replaced with love, humility, and contentment.

            He was now on a very short trip on the Narrow Road to a new destination and with no time to spare; for he, also, would die that day. However, his cup is now overflowing with blessed salvation and he is on his way to Paradise to be forevermore with his timely Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, Son of the Living God.

            Duet by Pastor Sam and Sister Diane: “Oh, How I Love You!” © by Samuel F. Dominguez

Narrator (Conclusion):

            (v. 47  ‘So when the centurion saw what had happened, he glorified God, saying, “Certainly this was a righteous Man!”’

            The one fact is that two unrighteous men and one righteous man arrived at Calvary that history-changing day, BUT, the second fact is that one unrighteous man and two righteous men died at Calvary that day.

            YES! Two righteous men: The eternal, righteous God-man, Jesus; and, an ex-sinner, that crucified, repentant thief, now a saint of the Most High God, upon and to whom the righteousness of Jesus was freely applied.

            Today, we celebrate that same Jesus who died, was buried, arose from the dead, and returned to His Father’s side in Heaven, and is coming back again to gather up all His saints in glory.

            The question that remains is: Will you be among them?

            I know of a certain previously crucified, repentant thief who will definitely be among those saints in glory because Jesus said it and I believe it! Do you?

            Duet by Pastor Sam and Sister Diane: “Contented (with Jesus my Lord)” most lyrics by Samuel F. Dominguez